DWQA QuestionsCategory: Spirit MeddlersA student asks: “Is it safe to read the LHP manual or do the dark spirits and aliens know? I hear a lot of wall cracking every time I read it. I am looking forward to practicing this myself but I am so afraid of what might happen.” What can we tell her?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
You are safe in reading the protocols and reading about them and, in fact, using the protocols, even as a raw beginner, will help strengthen you, build up inner resistance to any kind of intrusion, and will help you gain confidence in your ability to stay safe knowing you are under divine watch and can trust in us to protect you. The extraterrestrials do not care about spiritual work because they regard it as human folly with no effectiveness. They are not watching your every movement. When you implement the protocols, it will be done in the privacy of your mind and will be shielded from outside observation, even psychically, because that happens automatically whenever you are addressing the Almighty. We put a protective shield around you when you are talking with us and when we are talking with you, in whatever way might be unfolding, as with inspiration. If you are truly feeling fearful and cannot tolerate moving forward and using the protocols, you can put them aside, but we would recommend you have work done on yourself, as with the Divine Life Support membership, because there is a healing need represented by the level of fear you are experiencing. So, one way or another, there is much to be gained from having healing done on your behalf. People will not be harmed using the protocols.