DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersA recent analysis in the June JAMA Network Open, by Philip Rosenberg and Adalberto Miranda-Filho at the National Cancer Institute, of data from 3.8 million people diagnosed with invasive cancers showed a generational worsening underway. Generation X women, compared to baby boomers, have projected increases by age 60 in thyroid, kidney, rectal, uterine, colon, pancreatic, and ovarian cancers, as well as leukemia and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. There were forecasted rises in Gen-X men for thyroid, kidney, rectal, colon, and prostate cancers. The authors note some of the increase may be due to better screening, but attribute many of the increased cancers to risks of lifestyle factors like obesity, diet, and lack of exercise. What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 4 months ago
We can confirm for you the accuracy of the data in predicting these increases categorically. It is quite real that cancer is on the rise, but we must tell you it is a false assumption attributing that to lifestyle influences. This is simply illustrating the naiveté and woeful ignorance of the medical community about the true causes of malignancy. In actuality, the reason for the increase is insidious and malevolent. Cancer is on the rise because of the influence on your culture, and on individuals, of the Extraterrestrial Alliance wanting to worsen things and undermine humanity, even to the extent of seeding cancer-causing viruses into your population so it will be harbored by many individuals, and a significant percentage of them will begin to have serious chronic maladies going far beyond cancer alone, but including cancer among the adverse events this will generate. It is a true scourge underlying what is taking place and needs divine healing to save humanity from the continued worsening of things and your eventual demise through even more heavy-handed tactics they plan to carry out.