This is a good example of something that will help clarify the quantum nature of the Protocol as it currently exists. This will help the understanding of the practitioners to know what they are working with an instrument effective across time dimensions, and will be accordingly much more effective. In actuality, the Protocol already allows for this to happen and is being done routinely by the light in carrying out the Protocol requests. This is implicit in the instructions to work across lifetimes in all time domains and to do healing based on the advances made with the current iteration of the Protocol. So in going into the future, the Protocol of the future would be applied to the individual, and so would include future enhancements and those benefits would loop back to the present as a consequence of the healing brought to bear. There is also a blanket request to bring in instructions for the body from a future time of perfect health and well-being and that too can be taken to mean application of advanced Protocol enhancements that may yet come to be and have them applied in the present as well as retrospectively in other lives and settings.
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