DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolA practitioner proposes the following addition to the LHP based on the work of Ted Gunderson: “Source Creator, release from our governments and institutions globally the entrenched elements of mind control and suppression of truth and disclosure of human and Divine capacity. Remove from our institutions of communication the suppression of our opinions and ability to share facts, information, and evidence to build a society upon open disclosure without fear of retribution. Help both victims and perpetrators of negative manipulation to perceive and act upon their intent for higher good, lifting the lives of all into higher circles of understanding and information sharing without fear and in peace. Free our public media globally of manipulation and censorship, to allow open discourse of ideas. In the USA, preserve and protect our freedoms under a Constitutional Republic.” Will this be helpful in adding something not already being done, and without introducing new problems?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
In actuality, all of these requests are currently encompassed by all that the Lightworker Healing Protocol is designed to ensure and promote. We cannot modify your institutions and redirect people to conform to the requested outcomes here because that would be leading. The key is in preventing manipulation, preventing corruption, and a distortion in the thinking of human beings, as well as the distortions present within the extraterrestrial interlopers through their long-standing spirit corruption. That is what the LHP is designed to do and there are many requests within the Protocol to block or remove sources of negativity, including any subconscious manipulation to alter thinking and beliefs. There are many, many ways this is done to distort everything in the culture of any importance, so the list proposed sounds comprehensive and complete but it is not, and risks narrowing the focus to only those specific literal circumstances, when in fact the corruption extends to each and every person within their own mind, including corruption of inner beliefs. That, in turn, will corrupt everything they are a part of, including institutions they might serve or interact with. We would rather start at the source of the problem than deal with secondary consequences in the fallout from the basic corruption all are subject to, so we see the LHP as fully adequate to the task of seeing to all of these needs to the extent this can be arranged through the divine realm. As we have said, we cannot lead so we cannot take over the reins and run your world in a way that would be to your liking. This makes it more of a challenge to engineer a solution and see the results blossoming. That will come in time but must be started from making the requests of the Protocol and doing one’s best to stand strong and avoid one’s own personal corruption. The rest is up to what the divine can accomplish acting on your intentions for the betterment of all.