This is a perfectly acceptable way for you to proceed in doing your work. We have commented in the past that if the session is interrupted for any reason it can be resumed at a later date, to pick up where you leave off, and the divine realm will piece things together and complete the whole when all has been put in place in the way of the needed human instructions and intentions to be on record, as we review the whole before working on the parts. But that does not matter in the overall scheme of things, what matters is that sessions are launched, and as many as can be done by the practitioners working independently, and also as a pool of energy because that is seen to by the protocols themselves. So any and all contributions are a benefit to the cause here which, as you know, is of the highest importance for saving and healing humanity and the rest of your galaxy, from the darkness. There may be individuals who are not well-organized and may make errors in the way they pause sessions and then attempt to resume them and make them seamless, but here, too, you are backstopped by the energetic pool of practitioner intentions, so we will be able to bridge a gap, in most cases, to get a working session accomplished that will benefit as intended. So this is an individual decision people can ponder and even adopt as a regular strategy if it suits their schedule better. There are many people who are extremely pressed for time, and almost never have a large block of free time available, and this could provide just the answer they need enabling them to participate in the healing work despite the other demands on their time.
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