DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolA practitioner asks: “Would Creator please identify for me one aspect of my LHP sessions where I could direct my energies to improve my understanding for the greatest benefit? Whether it be a particular topic I need a firmer grasp on or a visualization. Whether I should be focusing more explicitly on permitting Creator to enact each sundry request as I work through them or just thinking about the meaning of the requests with the general understanding that Creator is listening and knows that my will is that they be enacted through His power, not mine.” What can we tell him?
Nicola Staff asked 1 month ago
We appreciate your heartfelt query to do better and more effective and meaningful work with the protocols. You are asking a broad-based sweeping question inviting us to lead you in correcting any or all errors, at least of the sort you mentioned. That is putting the cart before the horse. We need you to be in the lead and even when you are faltering you are nonetheless still in the lead and must remain so. The workarounds are a careful probing of one thing at a time and, in particular, citing an example or instance, if possible, to make things less vague and less sweeping, and thus requiring a more categorical and comprehensive answer. That is always risky to do, not only because of the rules of engagement but because it is, in its breadth, inviting misapplication, assuming things are simple and one simple answer to a simple question will apply universally to all situations, circumstances, events and, in this case, protocol sessions you conduct. After all, consider the length of the protocol and its many, many detailed requests, each one of which might contain more than one intention for action on the part of the divine and a need for some intention from the human side as fuel for that specific purpose. So there is a lot to know, there is a lot to focus on, and every bit of your passion and intelligence can come into play. That is yours to govern. We cannot simply turn up the volume when you do a healing session because it is for the greater good of all. That we could do ourselves in how we can potentially influence everything. So the truest answer for your question and request for assistance and guidance here is that we will provide inspiration and guidance, but that will be subtle and from the background and not in a hands-on tutorial from on high without a sufficient predicate in terms of specific details you might feel are an area of weakness or uncertainty. In terms of the things you have identified, we would suggest you simply turn that around and list those areas of doubt in a request to Creator for assistance in shoring things up to help you keep on track, work towards better and deeper understanding so as to enrich your intention to be a better fit and not fall short in providing fuel for what might be needed point by point as you proceed in the protocol work. This may require some study at times by yourself. You must do your own homework here. So if you sit with the protocol and read it slowly and ponder each sentence and its meaning, if you feel there is something vague or difficult to understand, you can go back to the manual and do some research there to see what is said about that portion of the protocol and its origins. You can also ask your mentors at GetWisdom for pointers and more thorough explanation of specific points. That exercise will help strengthen you. This is the learning curve all practitioners are on. No one understands the protocol fully at the outset. This is why we recommend people take the training even when they know nothing about healing, because they can learn to use the protocols, they do not require an apprentice period or extensive schooling other than a basic understanding of what you are requesting because then the divine will carry out the requests in ways beyond human understanding, but with your intention it is enough for us to use those tools effectively. If you do your part, we will always do ours. Keep in mind as well, you are not alone, that the pooled intentions of all practitioners will be added in along with yours so you are receiving some backstopping, albeit that many practitioners have variable levels of understanding themselves, so the mix of intentions will be highly varied as to their effectiveness, but the sum total is what will truly matter as things will even out. We are only trying to reassure you, not to signal you that your level of ignorance won't matter and you therefore need to ignore our prior advice here. The opposite is the case, you are being tracked in everything you do by the Law of Karma through the akashic records of your launched intentions. It is much better to be your best and do your best in all ways that contribute to divine alignment and nothing is of greater importance than doing healing for so many others.