DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial ImpostersA practitioner asks: “Why were Reptilians endowed with shape-shifting ability? When you designed Reptilians with the ability to shape-shift, how did you intend this gift to be used for the benefit of the Divine Free Will Project?” What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 1 month ago
We cannot possibly detail their working history and how the original planning for their construction and performance, as soul-based beings, were envisioned to be an influence not only on their own civilization but interacting with other civilizations amongst the intelligent life forms within the Milky Way Galaxy. In general, we can tell you that they were intended to be formidable adversaries in holding the line, in defense of divine principles, to counter the ravages of the Anunnaki in your galaxy who had become apex predators, as a consequence of becoming atheists, and were corrupted more and more because they lost their way in drifting from divine alignment and belief, into aimlessness and then selfish pursuits. The shape-shifting was to give them special advantages. After all, what better camouflage than to shift one's visible physical makeup, and thus blend into the background perhaps or become tiny and less easily discovered as well as being in a position to infiltrate, observe, and gain advantages in ways unavailable to their inevitable adversaries who preceded them in being well-entrenched and in a position of power and authority over everyone and everything and doing so in harmful and destructive ways.