DWQA QuestionsCategory: HealingA practitioner asks: “Why do I feel exactly the same after doing the LHP for almost 2 years myself, and after 20 DSC-TR sessions?”
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
When you perceive you are feeling exactly the same, we would beg to differ with you in that characterization. There is greater hope within, greater inner resolve, a higher belief quotient, and that allows more and more healing to be done on your behalf, successfully. It is very common and, in fact, typical that what clients want to see changed the most is their nature, their sense of who and where they are, and feeling they have arrived, they are accomplished, capable, and not only comfortable but fearless, being free of anxiety and doubt. But unfortunately, it is very much the case that one's mood state, often described as angst, is broad-based, having many origins and contributors from the many inner clashes among inner beliefs and concerns, fears, and uncertainties that have created many conflicting inner narratives through life experience that was disappointing, unrewarding, or even painful. Being broad and vague in nature, they act essentially as a kind of alarm bell, so anything that triggers the alarm, no matter how small or large, will be experienced in much the same way, and the overall life experience will be one of sameness, in many cases, when in fact there is quite a large dynamic of healing going on. It is simply that so many prior experiences need to be resolved before things can change in the present, and this makes it hard to have any perceptible changes for quite a long time. Yours is not an unusual course of events, that a large healing investment is necessary to right the wrongs of history for you as an individual. That, in fact, is true for most. There are many long-term practitioners who have seen some things resolved completely while others remain annoyingly intractable with seemingly no progress whatsoever. If you let that raise doubts within, it will not help but only make things worse because it might cause things to slow down that are ongoing as rapidly as can be achieved by the divine realm, but simply not there yet in bringing the greatest benefits. We have explained many times that symptoms are the last thing to leave, and that includes one's life perspective and overall sense of who they are, where they are, and where they need to go. Each person, of course, is different and has differing expectations and sensitivities. But what is almost universal is the reality that unmet need is truly mountainous. That does not mean you might as well give up and not do the work, but rather, expect things to take time and proceed slowly, in many cases, because they are based on problems deep and wide in their origin. But we can tell you that, seeing the lack of progress, while frustrating, and can be cause for concern if you are expecting positive results and seeing that as a kind of test of faith, that will only undermine you and the process itself. When in fact, the longer something takes is more a living demonstration of how very important the ongoing healing work truly is, that it is working on a mountain and not a molehill. So, in fact, this is the living demonstration you are doing something very, very, important and the payoff will be all the greater when there is finally a breakthrough. It will represent, through the living of the journey, a monumental achievement. Keep in mind, many, many, humans all through the ages have lived with sadness and infirmities in lifetime after lifetime because of unhealed trauma and not even known the reason behind why life is so hard. So your concern that the investment so far in doing LHP sessions and having Subconscious Channeling with Trauma Resolution done to work on your issues, has been significant from your vantage point, it is a far less burdensome effort than living a dozen lifetimes, none of which are better than another and, if anything, worsen each time because so little prior healing has been done. Patience is called for here, and you will be rewarded.