DWQA QuestionsCategory: MetaphysicsA practitioner asks: “Which of the interlopers’ civilizations controls time travel, with the final say? Or do all three of them have time travel technology? Do they need to make multilateral decisions before engaging in time travel? Could unilateral time travel trigger war between them, and is that kept in check through a kind of mutually assured destruction situation and a pact or contract?” What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 1 month ago
All three of the major civilizations who are part of the Extraterrestrial Alliance—the Anunnaki, the Reptilians, and the Arcturians—can carry out time travel explorations as well as manipulations of the physical environment during such excursions and which will inevitably involve the entirety of the galaxy, in creating a new looping of time, in creating a do-over for however long a span is involved in starting over at an earlier timepoint to repeat a segment. As such, there needs to be a way to govern such endeavors to avoid political clashes and disagreements that could erode needed cooperation to maintain peaceful coexistence as you allude to in your question. There is a working agreement in place with consultation, so all parties will be privy to the desire for a time travel exercise by any of the members to have their buy-in to undergo what that means. So as long as there is a cooperative arrangement given sufficient need on the part of one, the others will agree to the execution of a time travel excursion.