What is needed are not positive affirmations, reassurances, and encouragements. While those have a place as an ongoing strategy in the moment rendered as acts of loving kindness, when working behind the scenes in a healing endeavor, what needs to happen is a true deep and fundamental healing of the underlying causes for inner discord resulting in the worrying and over concern. The causes necessitating a search for solutions for these problems are more severe in nature than assumed. Wounds go much deeper than people imagine and influence many levels of the being, as well as multiple timelines from their doings that are being lived concurrently, with crosstalk moving to and fro, triggered by emotional events in particular. So there is a cascade of influences that ensues from a traumatic event—to trace back all that has taken place as a result of one thoughtless act bringing harm to someone can become a major project quite quickly. So there are no simple remedies that can be prescribed in a generic way to give you a simple tool to use. That is why we recommend doing a session with the Lightworker Healing Protocol for any and all difficulties, challenges, and complaints, big or small—you will simply not know how complex the problem might be—even though there might be only one fairly minor emotional liability, for example, there could well be many overlapping energetic influences going on simultaneously and across multiple timelines, only some of which is intruding on the present incarnation in a perceptible way but still represents a complex and challenging healing need.
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