The healing takes place within the timeline of its occurrence and existence of the immediate recipient relative to the ongoing work by the practitioner in the current incarnation. This interchange cannot be fully explained mechanistically to you as it involves interdimensional energies in traversing the thoughts and feelings of the client, the reality in physical existence of a prior time when a trauma took place, and then making changes within the akashic records, both for what is recorded in the past or future in the case of a future life impinging on the present, but also the presently unfolding recording of the current incarnation of the client that includes the occurrence of the healing session itself. So this is a process of triangulation of quantum forces moving across multiple dimensions, including that of time, to achieve the goal of righting the wrongs of an improper choice to cause harm and seeing that those consequences are addressed on the record of all that happens in a way to neutralize the consequences through the Law of Karma. That is the ultimate healing step to free the victim, and the perpetrator as well, of any further karmic liabilities through having the energetic signature readjusted to a neutrality, reflecting the fact no further rebalancing or meting out of justice, however you might view the process, is needed.
You are not changing the timelines with this process. Those are still in existence, so you are not undoing what takes place, you are reassigning the consequences and significance with respect to influencing the subsequent experiencing of the beings involved, as well as on multiple timelines, including the timeline that is the scene of the crime, so to speak. This is one of the intricacies involved in bringing healing to bear, that in righting a wrong there is an imperative to not cause a greater wrong through changing destiny in a way through the imposition of healing that will perturb the balance of things, not only for the client and perhaps a perpetrator harming them, but the many other beings they will interact with subsequent to the healing restoration, and all that might happen, and happen somewhat differently now. This requires an extensive analysis and scanning of possibilities that will govern how the healing intervention is carried out, how bold, and to how great an extent things might be altered all at once, as opposed to changing things more slowly but perhaps in a sense quite a great deal more laboriously, by making a myriad of small changes in lieu of a bold interruption that rights the original wrong swiftly but brings too great a change at one point in time to be safe with respect to subsequent events on record already.
This is the major reason why healing takes such a long time. It, in fact, is not a reflection of a lack of power held by the divine realm to right the wrongs of trauma, it is that we hold such power that it is all too easy to become a bull in the china shop, so to speak, wanting to help but unintentionally wreaking havoc by making dramatic changes when so much has already taken place since the original trauma, that a bold initiative could cause many, many disruptions and additional traumas due to our inelegant handling of the healing challenge. Healing is a high art and this gives you some idea of why this is so.
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