We intend to keep that from happening. We understand you feel like you are flirting on the edge and this is tactical as you have surmised, to allow the healing greater breathing room by having your direct participation with the symptoms to keep a high level intention in place for that to be worked on and given priority, as well as allowing the karma to play out a bit more in a way that brings it up for review more effectively. In a sense, it is lowering the energetic barrier to divine oversight and intervention. We do not have to break open the vault, so to speak, and go into the akashic records and begin to pull out obscure information from varied times and places and trace the history and do a full analysis in how best to proceed. When things are breaking on the scene in the way of physical symptoms, that creates an automatic tracing with the links involved bringing it about which point the way directly at what needs change, and quickly, in order to prevent a worsening and begin to dial things back, eventually. We have this under control, so you need not worry you will do just fine, not that it will be without discomfort. That is the point of karma, after all, to require a payback of some kind, but that works in your best interest even though, in a sense, it comes out of your hide through inconvenience and discomfort.
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