DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious MindA practitioner asks: “Many people have behaviors that are unhelpful at best or harmful to themselves or others. People generally know this about themselves but do not make changes. Despite many models of behavior change developed by researchers from psychology, sociology, public health, etc., reflecting a broad range of approaches to understanding and influencing behavior, their effectiveness is often limited and short-lived. What can be learned from these shortcomings and limitations? What is a better perspective and tactics for deeper and more permanent change in, for example, alcohol consumption, exercise, and healthy eating? Would making specific requests targeted at specific behaviors in LHP-DSMR requests be best?” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 6 months ago
Here again, the misguided notion is that one can turn to human psychology for answers when it struggles to even comprehend what it is defined to represent, let alone have a deep influence to change the inner nature of a human being and their personal psychological makeup and approach to living. The answer is the enlightenment through healing provided by the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset as tools for human betterment. This will plug the gaps and enable healing corrupt inner beliefs and weak or missing soul attributes that are fundamental to the makeup of each human being. People are flawed because of prior negative karma limiting their potential from the outset and returning to them negative energies from their failures and shortcomings in other parallel lives. This creates a huge obstacle to personal progress, growth, learning, and effectiveness. It cannot be sorted out from reading books, talking to therapists, or inner reflection that can only bring about the current inner ability to pose an idea or express an inner yearning, but rarely a creative solution because there is a lack of understanding what is truly amiss in the absence of a way to change one's inner being through personal power alone. Enlightenment requires healing, and such deep growth and self-improvement requires an ongoing healing process capable of the deepest reach; without it the benefits will be meager and often end in failure.