DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial AgendaA practitioner asks: “Is it still the mindset of the extraterrestrials that they have no desire to manipulate a full-on war that would include nukes, and that they just want to create fear with disruptions in our societies with outages and weather manipulation?” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 1 month ago
That, indeed, is still the case. As with much of what they do, it is the creation of false perceptions, corrupted hyper-negative beliefs, and inner weakening that is the goal to make you all harm yourselves. In fact, they are looking forward to see what will happen if you are left to your own devices after a long interval with their being absent, and not providing the usual headwinds of negativity. To depart just prior to the launching of a nuclear conflagration would, in effect, spoil that experiment because it would be such a huge distortion of things it would be impossible to compare before and after, as they hope to do, in coming back after a long span of time to check back in and see how their manipulations have held up or not, as the case might be. That scenario is what is saving you and will continue to do so if they stick to this plan.