DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine GuidanceA practitioner asks: “In previous channelings, it has been said that early humans were able to talk to God in their minds. Also, Jesus Christ was able to talk to God in his mind. What is the difference between talking to God in your mind and channeling? And Which one is safer to do? I mean communication back and forth, like asking for feedback in return.”
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Talking to God in your mind is literally that, a one-way communication via your thought alone. It could be done out loud with eyes open as well because we are always inside of you and aware of all your thoughts and actions, and will not miss your intention to be speaking to us directly—that will always have our attention. Moreover, it will be cloaked to protect it from outside observation. That is why the LHP is safe to do, to work on any and all issues of a client, including taking on the darkness with healing maneuvers, as all of the requests will be hidden from view. In a sense, the shields go up whenever you set the intention to speak to the divine realm on any level, and that is a built-in safety feature of the energetics putting everything in play. Channeling is receiving communication from outside consciousness in response to a query you launch with your mind. Any kind of divine channeling will be safe to do if you are employing requests for safety effectively. You are always the weak link in anything you do. We have talked about, and you have been taught about, the requisites for requesting and being in a state of divine oversight and protection as depending on your belief quotient and your belief in yourself to be worthy. So this is never guaranteed, but for most practitioners comfortable with their role there will be no problem for us to keep any kind of communication safe that is being done with a true representative of the divine realm and not an imposter. If the latter should happen, because of faulty preparation, that may well be considered a free will choice. The LHP includes a series of generic requests for protection from outside intrusion and to remove anything that does enter, but a possible exception would be if something intrudes because it is invited by you, so that is why the LHP is serious business and needs to be done with care and focus, and in a position of strength so you are standing strong in the moment and your requests for safety will be honored readily. Not all can channel because this is something that requires a particular configuration of energy as it is utilized by the mind and your intuitive gateway. All humans have some impairment in place, so there needs to be divine agreement for special consideration, and this is done prior to incarnation because there might be a life plan that is foreseen to need the ability to channel. Anything is possible, but we are simply giving the general overview here, that only a small percentage of people will be successful channelers of the divine. They may be successful channeling their own deep subconscious, and perhaps their higher self under ideal conditions, but that does not guarantee there is something beyond that level that will open up for them. The demands are greater and there needs to be a lofty purpose that serves the person as well as others, and that is why it is typically preordained to be in the mix as a capability.