DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialA practitioner asks: “If the ETs don’t annihilate us, when will we notice the positive effects of the ET Alliance leaving us? What will the first signs of this departing negativity be, i.e., what will we notice first here, on Earth?” What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
The changes will be subtle at first because they will seem gradual, given that the footprint has been so very heavy and with so many consequences. Even when they leave there will be a large legacy of negative influence that will continue for some time and will only be healed incrementally. This includes the alteration of human perspectives, thinking, and the inculcation of many self-limiting beliefs because of the continuous mind control manipulation humanity has been subjected to, not to mention the whole way humanity conducts itself because your culture is heavily corrupted, as well as all your institutions, to be faulty in their design, organization, and implementation on all levels. To have a kind of utopian existence would mean completely reinventing society and the human culture. That could happen over time but would take an enormous length of time to come about. You do not have the luxury of unlimited time to prepare for ascension. It will be more likely that you need a crash program to heal the major impediments to ascension and, during that ramp up, there will still be many pockets of resistance, negativity, and faulty thinking continuing with the old ways. So there will be a gradual spread of new perspectives because the constraints will be gone, and that will allow people to think freely for the first time. The advancement will start slowly but will build and increase its pace over time. That is when things will start getting exciting. We cannot give you a timetable. One of the other factors is that it will be variable from region to region and then from individual to individual within a region. There will be some large-scale signs from the beginning; for example, no more hurricanes and no more tornadoes. On a broad scale, there will be a softening of the energies and fewer extremes, defended at all costs, but rather more readiness to make accommodations so people can come together and work in common cause more readily than ever before. This, too, will build on itself over time once things get going. But, because people will be healing at different rates, there will still be difficulties from being interdependent as each individual slow to change, will be an anchor on the whole to some extent.