DWQA QuestionsCategory: HealingA practitioner asks: “If at all possible, I was wondering if I could have an update from my brother-in-law, who has recently passed on to the light, to know how he is doing on the other side, if he now understands what I was trying to tell him when he was still here, and if he has any messages for me and my family. I like to think that he, too, is now actively involved on the LHP work from the light.”
Nicola Staff asked 6 months ago
Your dear brother-in-law is safely in the light now and has caught up with all that has transpired in reviewing his life and what happened during his transition as well. He is quite excited to hear from you and very eager to explain to you that his new perspective is deep and wide about all that is happening on your planet, and the human dilemma being much more complicated and troubled than people realize. He understands now how you are taking on a huge burden of knowledge about dark things and has a sense of responsibility as well, knowing you are a part of the solution. That is a rare gift from his vantage point now. He would love to have been doing healing work during his life but was on a different path and it was not meant to happen because of early choices he made. He now realizes those using the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset are quite fortunate in having the awareness and insight to appreciate the importance of these tools as a turning point for the better. He, indeed, is helping now from the light, as the protocols request those in the light to work with the living in various ways to assist with your continued progress. He wants the entire family to understand and appreciate that his struggle was his alone and no fault of anyone. He sees quite clearly now how each person determines their own fate through their choices and he wants you all to know that if you start from love and make that the highest priority, that will create the greatest likelihood life will go well and be rewarding during your time in the living among those living in the physical plane. What that means is, when someone is struggling or lost there is a love deficit that can provide the answer, at least to get things started in a positive direction. He is sending you all love and will be watching over you going forward, because he understands that the human family are one—each life is precious and each life is connected to all the others.