DWQA QuestionsCategory: PrayerA practitioner asks: “I recently watched the film regarding the Cokeville, Wyoming bombing in an elementary school. All children and teachers got out alive with no serious injuries. Some of the kids afterwards commented on how they saw their deceased ancestors, who they thought were angels, but ended up being family members they had never met before until they saw them in old family photos and some kids also saw angels. Before the bomb went off, all kids and teachers prayed. Did the quorum of prayers, as well as people watching on the news, actually save them? So if nobody prayed would the kids not have seen their ancestors coming to rescue them and would have all died?”
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
The testimony of survivors was highly accurate about the true events of that day, in all that took place. There was a powerful divine intervention, indeed, brought about through the collective prayers of the would-be victims themselves, trapped in a hopeless situation facing imminent death. There were many beings who came from the light in answer to the prayers, to participate in the granting of protection. In this instance, there was a circle of divine energy employed to contain the majority of energy from the blast when the bomb was set off, to direct it upward and away from the people in the classroom. This is a beautiful story of a divine miracle granted on the strength of the collective belief quotients and lofty purpose in preventing a senseless tragedy that served only the forces of evil and darkness. As with all interactions with human beings, there is always a need for an energy of intention in making a request from the human side for divine support constituting a intervention in human affairs in some fashion. That might be done in the past as a prayer, even in childhood, that catches up to a person and is utilized by the divine realm for that individual later as an adult. But one way or another, human intention must be deployed. The divine has some latitude in how to use prayers launched previously to carry out divine business, but there is always an energetic equation. This starts with human taking some action in order for good things to happen. That is because of the rules of engagement, that this is your world to run and the divine will not interfere unless called upon actively. And that request must be done in certain ways with strong belief behind it and ideally, with specific instructions about what is most needed, and if possible, how to go about answering the call with greatest effectiveness. So the more humans understand their world and what can go wrong, and understand the divine realm and the rules of engagement and, in particular, how the divine goes about healing and dealing with forces of darkness, the better and more powerfully you can act as a partner with the divine to call forth miracles that save the day when lives are at stake.