DWQA QuestionsCategory: HealingA practitioner asks: “I am confused because people that do energy work would say they’re summoning God’s energy. Like Reiki for example, I know a friend that does it and she did healing on me, I was curious, and I actually did feel some energy coming through her hands. Is this not possible for someone to tap into God’s energy and bring it out through their hands into a part of the body?”
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
You seem to not be understanding the feedback we are giving to you. The confusion is between who is doing what to whom, and with which energy, human or divine. What we are saying is, the divine is passive until invited, with all the requisite conditions in place: sufficient belief quotient in the divine, belief in oneself, and being open to healing assistance, and that is the minimum of thresholds to meet. There can be a huge inner resistance, for karmic reasons, to have certain things disturbed, and so on. What happens with the successful energy healing session, as with Reiki, is more complex than what you are describing. It is not either/or, it is a matching and redeployment of human energy by the divine. So this healing circuit starts with that human practitioner requesting specific changes and assistance. The divine takes that intention and the energy it is launching of consciousness, and matches that with the divine equivalent, with the benefit as well of greater insight and knowledge of how to proceed to use that with the utmost precision and effectiveness for the need at hand, knowledge the human practitioner will always lack because it is above your pay grade, so to speak. So in a Reiki session where you were feeling energy through the hands of the healer, you were feeling our energy coming through as a match to, and following the intention of the healer to send energy into your body. But here again, as we explained previously, that energy will be limited because it is only a match to the energy of the human practitioner and will only consist of a component corresponding to the depth of insight and understanding contained within the intentions the practitioner launches forth. If they do not truly understand your specific problem and its origins, nor understand the workings of the divine realm and the many very complex and multicomponent healing strategies used by divine beings working on their own using the human energy as fuel, what a reiki practitioner or other energy worker can accomplish will be simply an energetic tweaking of the person, and that will likely not last. It will vary and sometimes can persist for a fairly long interval, but it will not correct the deep underlying karmic origins. So if that gets stirred up again, the person will re-exhibit symptoms and be back where they started, and that is another liability in trusting energy healing because it is not an ultimate answer for the human dilemma.