DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine Life SupportA practitioner asks: “Four years ago, a longtime friend of mine lost his son to suicide. I was unaware of how dire the son’s situation had become. That same evening, another friend of ours had flown his aircraft into some trees and perished. Were these deaths sinister or karmic? My friend is continuing to suffer emotionally from his loss. I have included all three in multiple LHP/DSMR sessions. Are the souls out of limbo and back home? Will there be any relief for the father?”
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
These individuals are safely back within the light due to your seeking to be of service and give them the blessing of a Spirit Rescue. Lost soul spirits truly struggle and it is a blessing to do a divine outreach to rescue them. To be in limbo represents the fact they have not been able to respond to a divine outreach already because that is always done when people pass. Light callers are sent to greet them and guide them home. It is when they are too low a vibration to see the divine helpers that they are unreachable and left on their own by default. We cannot override the free will to suffer and to be lost if the life has led to this impasse. It is always a combination of human choices and obstacles within the physical plane common to everyone. It is not we are unsympathetic but we must follow careful rules to not overreach our authority to change things because we would like to see them happen, when humans are the ones in charge. This is why you can do a Spirit Rescue for these individuals and call on greater divine help than could be offered without it. That puts you in the driver's seat and makes you the most important member of the divine partnership you engage in when doing this work. It is a blessing for all involved, for us as well. As with the ones lost, the father must find a way to heal within him the impact of all that has happened. You can continue to be of use here, as a healer, to help bring healing to bear. This whole saga is a good example of why people are often unable to help themselves and end up, in effect, falling in a hole they cannot climb out of unassisted. That is the reason the LHP and DSMR exist, as your channel has been working fervently for some years now to fill the gap, and has done so effectively, with these tools now being available in the most powerful forms ever.