DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolA practitioner asks: “During an LHP session, at any time after the list of clients to be included, is it ever too late to add another person or being that comes to mind to the session? Under non-linear quantum rules of time, I would think not.”
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
This perspective is correct. So at any time during the session, one could add, as an afterthought, an additional client, or more who come to mind during the procedure, and that will not detract in any way from the work done for any of the parties involved. In actuality, the exercise of the Protocol, within the session, is lining up the energy and is not launched totally on all subjects who will be done sequentially in any event, so there is no penalty in adding someone at the last moment. They will simply go into the queue, and be addressed sooner rather than later, but will not be left out.