DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious ChannelingA practitioner asks: “Does the deep subconscious require a high enough belief quotient to work with Creator in a Deep Subconscious Mind Reset session?” What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 12 months ago
This is a complicated question that defies a simple description with a yes or no type answer. Everything is situation-specific to begin with. There are many encounters that happen between the human and divine emissaries, many phenomena that will be encountered, many circumstances and influencers of all kinds, human and nonhuman, that will impinge on consciousness within a person on multiple levels or a selective level, as the case might be, and many scenarios can take place. In some respects, it is a moving target because there are ongoing dynamics in the energy of an individual's makeup. When people are perturbed and in a highly emotional state, it will be a different landscape than when they are calm and centered and not particularly stressed other than perhaps some background anxiety common to almost everyone. So this is a moving target and a highly variable factor, but typical because almost everyone has doubts and fears that, in essence, depart from divine alignment and thus by definition, energetically, are a kind of lesser belief. We routinely must work around this to find a way in, to make points, so to speak, and progress in cultivating a relationship and carrying out an agenda to help despite the misgivings, apprehensions, fears, nonbelief, resistance, or frank hatred of the very idea that might be the most important thing to help instill at a given moment. It is much like two people talking to one another holding widely divergent world views and belief systems, politics, religious affiliations, and so on. Things may well reach an impasse, at least for a time, but we have the high ground because we are in divine alignment for which there is an answer to any problem, but when there is inadequacy on the human side, that must be respected and will be rate‑limiting because we will have to help raise the individual up so they are able to see truth eventually, and that can be time-consuming and energy-intensive but is, again, a routine need that is widely experienced in trying to help any and all who are in need.