DWQA QuestionsCategory: ElementalsA practitioner asks: “Do elementals pray? Do the elementals speak and partner with God?” What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 6 months ago
The elementals deal, primarily, with the angelics and that is part of our design. It is true for humans as well all through history. They are capable of reaching us, as is all of consciousness, if there is an awareness of a need to reach something of the highest order or of the deepest need. We are aware of everything that takes place. Many beings reach out to us in the sense we hear from them and see their needs. Most oftentimes they, in turn, will be unaware of us and not realize we are with them. We cannot be more open unilaterally with anything in the physical, as that is prevented because of the rules of engagement to not interfere with the physical plane unless requested. So the elementals always have ways to get help, and beings who will respond to them, and that provides a direct assistance to satisfy their needs. It is not like the human realm where you feel all alone because you are disconnected and unable even to talk with your higher self and get answers. The elementals, thus, have a less troubled existence, for the most part, and understand they are part of something wondrous and complex but manageable, unlike the human realm where much of the time people are wandering in the dark and living lives of despair, discouragement, and devastation.