DWQA QuestionsCategory: MetaphysicsA practitioner asks: “Creator, are sound and magnetics inextricably connected? Does sound create magnetic fields? Does it happen in this order? Can this be why the LHP feels so much more powerful when spoken out loud even though the intention to connect to and partner with Creator remains the same?”
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
Sound created by electromagnetic energies is often accompanied by magnetic frequencies, but this is a manifestation of the technologic means giving rise to the sound vibrations and is not the same as sound created by human speech—that is a neuromuscular energetic force causing displacement of tissue under tension that can give rise to perturbation of the air flowing through and creating the sound you are familiar with as speech. Any other energies created along the way will be relatively modest in strength and quite local, advancing not much farther than the cells of those tissues involved. You are seeking to understand energy in a deeper sense and turning to conventional descriptions and explanations as perhaps the key to this greater understanding, but what you are seeking to understand is much deeper and lacks language because you are really addressing an aspect of consciousness, the information content or intention accompanying the creation of spoken words. That is the greater dimension and deeper and more powerful energetics underway, particularly with a declaration of intention spoken aloud that is meant to have a consequence of significance in setting something in motion, and this is certainly the case with the Lightworker Healing Protocol being a set of requests to the Almighty to have profound things done in answer to the requests themselves, so it has the highest of purpose and intentions behind it. Most human speech is launched for trivial reasons. It is often the expression of mindless chatter within the mind and a trivial but harmless exchange of the flow of thoughts within a person sharing their existence with another, or perhaps a social group as in a gathering over a meal or an event where they are coming together to enjoy being with one another and catching up on their individual doings, and in the process will be sharing something of themselves. This is intended to promote the continuation of the bonding in place among those individuals, so it is a quite human-level interchange and not intended to change the world. What is needed here is a fuller understanding and mechanistic description of human intention being launched to have an interplay with the divine realm and how that brings about changes, big and small, through divine interaction—that will come over time but cannot be answered from the scope of this question.