DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolA practitioner asks: “Can we request a bending of time be added to our request with all extensions and timelines to shorten our mission?” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 1 month ago
This cannot be done on such a massive scale. The bending of time described by your channel can be requested for personal use and benefit with regard to your own personal and local experiencing, in the utilization of time for greater efficiency, for example, to do more work in a finite period if you are under a deadline or have highly urgent business to complete and a limited time availability. This cannot be extrapolated and utilized by all of the healing resources you are bringing to bear to use your intention in launching something so complex as the Lightworker Healing Protocol and Deep Subconscious Mind Reset protocol that will be implemented by light beings on your behalf. Keep in mind, this is not necessarily a loss because those in the divine realm can move across timelines with ease to carry out requests of the protocols and can even conduct the protocols far more efficiently by dividing time into small increments, and do this to conduct many, many, many sessions in a small segment of time, as they perceive it, and thus accomplish much, much more already than a human being bound by the physical illusion of time could ever do in the course of their life. So, you are not constrained in the healing reach you enjoy, as a divine human, by the time constraints of the physical plane you inhabit.