DWQA QuestionsCategory: MetaphysicsA practitioner asks: “Can Creator please explain more specifically how the negative effects caused by the extraterrestrial time traveling shenanigans are actually experienced by humans who are forced to involuntarily relive or re-experience traumas? Do the negative effects initially occur only through a modification of the akashic records, themselves, by rekindling the negative karmic implications of those relived karmic events? If so, then does that rekindling then put humans at risk for experiencing the same kind of event in their current lifetime—for example, if a person was murdered along the way during the original time period to be re-lived through time travel, will they then become likely to be murdered again during the repeat of that time segment?” What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 2 months ago

If, for example, a six-month interval is relived because of alien time travel to a prior time six months earlier, everything that happened already during the prior six months will be in the akashic records and a potential influence on the second go-round in providing karmic potentials, just as happens, always, from prior experience of life anywhere and everywhere you may have been, including all of the parallel lifetimes. Those specific events will not necessarily repeat, although, given the starting potentials in existence and in place at that re-entry time point six months previously, many things will play out in a very similar fashion if not identical. Those events will also be added to the akashic records representing this new loop of time that has been generated and will have equal potential as a future influence going from there.

So what happens when a loop of time creates a repeat time interval is not any more dependent on the akashic records than your normal life. You always have a backstory from everything lived through all of your history within the akashic records, and the Law of Karma might seek to bring any of those energies around as an impetus to work on rebalancing something. So it is no different during a replay of a time interval other than you are starting from that point with an alien presence that will change things for the worse, so things will never be better, only more difficult and unpleasant. It is possible, through the vagaries of human existence, that something could happen in your favor and forestall things that happened during that first time you lived those six months that are restarted in a do-over. So there is literally a fresh start given the existing karmic potentials at that timepoint, but it will not be a slave to everything that happened in the first go-round, only having the potential to be influenced by what is on record, and that will be especially true for similar traumas that happen and then are worsened by the Law of Karma seeing a parallel and then stirring up trouble for you.

So you will be literally getting a fresh start in going back through time to live a segment over again, but there can be an influence of those prior events, which makes a repeat of unpleasantness more likely, just as having much negativity in your karmic history can provide a greater potential for difficulty. So going back in time means that what you had already lived prior to that time travel excursion, in effect, becomes your past, just like all of the past history of your many lifetimes in a variety of settings. Having multiple loopings in the current incarnation, does more greatly increase the likelihood that what has happened, prior to a restarting of an interval of time through time travel, will resonate and become a karmic imperative and thus more likely to influence the reiteration.