We have clearly delineated a fundamental difference between linking together multiple prayer requests and giving them a codeword and linking together multiple healing requests and giving them a codeword. The latter are a more complex undertaking that is quite multifaceted and depends on the participation of the requester’s energy for execution and implementation. That is why your presence doing the Protocol has value especially, and of course is essential for the initiation, it is that very energy of the practitioner present doing the Protocol that is referenced with repetition but had to be created in the first instance.
Prayers are different, they are simply an idea communicated to the divine and left to the divine to implement in its own way in a time of its choosing, as opposed to a healing session participated in by the practitioner holding a space for the self and the client and the divine to comprise a healing circuit for the transmission of divine energy sent towards the target intended—that is the responsibility of the practitioner as a partner in the process, and literally on the scene energetically in the conduct of the healing that is sent forth to the recipients. Even in a sense at arm’s length on repetition, that intention originally generated by the practitioner, once given birth, persists as an energy just as though the practitioner were still present and participating directly in the repeat session work.
This is not needed for prayer because it is done independently and solely by the divine realm in response to the requests of whomever is launching the prayer. That is why one can string together as many prayers as you like because it is only the idea of what is requested to happen that is being transmitted. The only energetic requirement is that there be belief in the divine and belief in the self as worthy of divine support. When those energetic requirements are met, consideration of the prayer can go forward. It is still the case there is an energetic assignment, based on the fact it is coming from a single individual and not a group working together with a prayer chain or a congregation of individuals praying in unison for a particular purpose, but that is registered at the time the idea of the prayer itself is transmitted to the divine realm through the act of prayer. So it is simply an energetic reading of the source and is done, in effect, instantaneously by the divine realm, so only the thought is required of the person launching the prayer. The status of the belief quotients and the overall spiritual capital a person can command is a function of what is in the akashic records and those energies are all on file and readable by the divine realm in an efficient way. So the person praying need not linger over the prayer and that is why it can be communicated as readily with a codeword because the idea of the prayers given the codeword is on record and can be referenced quickly by the divine realm. So this is simply a convenience for the person praying to not have to recite a huge litany of repetitive requests.
We have commented before that you are divine and it does not befit divine beings to do routine, repetitive, and onerous repetitive recitations when the divine realm knows readily what is being asked and does not require onerous repetition of lengthy prayers. That might be satisfying to prayer givers who are taught that prayer can be a sacrifice and a difficult and painful duty if lengthy recitations are involved, and often are made to believe that this kind of sacrifice is what the Lord wants to see and will add spiritual capital through their personal sacrifice, sometimes a painful one if kneeling, for example, for a lengthy period is uncomfortable but felt necessary to humble oneself, and so forth. Such rituals that are disempowering and demeaning to the divine human are not expected or required or appreciated by the divine realm, but are seen as merely a human decision that is misguided and a misapplication of energy. So this does not add to the effectiveness of the prayer, nor does it detract, it is simply a demonstration of human foibles that are all too common, unfortunately, and a needless waste of motion.
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