DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolA practitioner asks: “Are we generators of a rare and precious healing energy when we launch an intention that fuels the LHP?” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
This is very much the case. You are doing advanced soul work on massive levels of difficulty covering a huge span of time. That takes true lightworkers with a high belief quotient, confidence in themselves, and their spiritual worth in particular, and a loving heart to be an effective change agent in partnership with Creator. There are only a minority of humans alive today capable of high-caliber work like you are doing. The better you understand what you are about, in thinking about the workings of the LHP and how the divine realm operates, the more effective your energy will convey optimal intention to match what needs to happen. That is something that must be learned and cultivated over time and truly does make you special. You are all becoming experts in healing and that is invaluable.