DWQA QuestionsCategory: Spirit MeddlersA practitioner asks: “An associate of mine suffers with paranoid schizophrenia. He has had a lifetime interest in military conflicts, especially the Second World War, and collects military models of infantry, weaponry, aircraft, and battleships passionately. He was also interested in joining the military in his youth. I’m wondering if his schizophrenia is a result of traumatic experiences lodged in the deep subconscious from previous wartime lifetimes, or whether he is a targeted individual, or some other cause. How effective are LHP-DSMR sessions likely to be in improving his condition (he is in his 60s)?” What can we tell him?
Nicola Staff asked 11 months ago
We see this would be a very significant undertaking on his behalf that has the potential of turning things around, given sufficient time. This is always an uncertainty because people are highly variable and also volatile in their responses to ever-changing life circumstances. We never give a date certain for such things but will give encouragement when it is warranted because we see that healing will make a contribution regardless of what the human perception is, relative to the degree of change over time, if any. Many times people who do not seem to recover will leave their current life largely healed because the symptoms are the last things to resolve. That benefit will carry over into the future, and will represent a very big success in that context, if not in bringing about notable improvements in the current life. But keep in mind you are here to fix the future more so than the present, and that is a good way to think of all the healing efforts you are in a position to bestow. We cannot be too detailed in describing a third party. We do this for your channel in the abstract without mentioning names to protect privacy, so there are limits in what we can tell you about someone of your acquaintance, like their past karma. We can say that there is almost always a karmic component of severe mental illness but it is the influence of spirit meddlers that gets it going. The problem is undoing the corruption of the mind. That is what takes a considerable effort and time. Spirits, in altering the mind to work against the person, will look at their prior history and select weak spots, points of vulnerability based on prior life trauma, and will push those buttons relentlessly to stir up trouble, and that is what not only causes symptoms but facilitates altering the mind to create a kind of self-tormenting with delusional thoughts. That is particularly insidious because, once instilled, the person cannot be talked out of it, and then will, in addition, be branded as abnormal and, not understanding the causes and how to truly treat it through karmic repair, it becomes more a kind of sentence passed on the sufferer because they will now carry a label of something unpleasant and possibly be repellant to others. There is a large prejudice against the mentally ill that will not go away easily. So we would encourage you to make a diligent effort to do as much healing work as you can for this individual because the benefits will be real even if not discernible for a long period of time yet, but to get there the investment needs to be made now and kept underway, because this is a serious and difficult circumstance to turn around, as it is self-maintained once dark spirits have been removed. That is harder for us to counter because it must be considered "free will" even though it is harmful to the self. We have to tiptoe around it and work through other timelines to eventually catch up to the present, and that can take a considerable timespan in order to be totally effective.