DWQA QuestionsCategory: HealingA practitioner asks: “Also, about the healing circuit, I thought it was God working through the healer and using them as a bridge to send some kind of healing energy to the receiver. So it’s just my own energy amplified by God and sent where I can see or reach alone?”
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
You are parsing this somewhat incorrectly. It is your energy providing fuel. That fuel is taken by God and matched by divine energy but with greater understanding than yours as to what needs to be done with it, and how. That you are not providing in very great detail, only in a general way, but that is perfectly fine as long as it is deep and comprehensive enough to assign the right target and some basic instructions to apply divine healing strategies, and that will do the job nicely. So you are truly invoking a divine intervention and that invoking creates a circuit from you to God and to the recipient. But during that presence of the energy circuit, your intention is borrowed and repurposed by the divine to do very high level work, but still in proportion to the overall energy level you can summon and launch forth. That is why it is constrained in the end and not representing God's infinite power, as attractive a notion as that is, being faced with huge problems as is true for humanity, collectively, and individually. But it is a good enough starting point to do the job over time incrementally, and that is what is underway.