This is primarily a karmic condition being triggered by prior life exposures to infectious organisms giving rise to skin disorders and that is why he has the red bumps and the itching. It is a recapitulation of prior symptoms, not that he has an illness per se; it is cellular memory re-introducing the memory of discomfort experienced in the distant past. You need to simply keep in mind that the Earth is filled with infectious organisms of all kinds that circulate on a continual basis, and this is one of the rites of passage of the young who will become exposed, inevitably, to many, many, germs both viruses and bacteria as well as the more unusual fungi, and so on, in an array of microscopic parasites, many of which come and go without causing a clinical condition to appear because they are dealt with adequately by the immune system. But one risk is, with or without bodily defenses, an exposure to pathogens and even a mild response by the immune system can trigger cellular memory to produce a re-echoing of prior symptoms even in the absence of a frank infection that would otherwise manifest similar symptoms. If the latter were to occur it would be more readily diagnosed, and that is the reason what your son exhibits is so hard to pin down. It is a semblance of an infection but not quite overt enough to fit what usually happens with a frank illness. This can be dealt with through divine healing, and work through the protocols will help him get through a period of time until the symptoms fade. No other treatment will address the deep causal influences and remove the memory traces. Divine healing is required to provide a deep and lasting resolution of the problem.
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