DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial SpiritsA practitioner asks: “A distant relative is from Columbia and is a very devout Christian and speaks very little English. At a family gathering this week, he said he wanted to speak to me privately. It took him a while to find the words but finally got across that Pleiadians talk to him and that they are from a higher dimension. That certainly got my attention. He said that they wanted him to tell me that I have a very strong connection to God. That was very nice to hear, but could you please ask Creator if he is indeed hearing Pleiadians and not impostors? I know how rare true channelers are.” What can we tell him?
Nicola Staff asked 7 months ago
Unfortunately, he is being duped by imposters and they are simply exploiting him as a tool to spread the word about their wanting to communicate and be of help. That is a deception, not a benefit you can count on. Situations like this are best dealt with by encouraging the would-be channeler to seek God's support and guidance, always, before listening to any outside voice. It is important to request divine safety before doing so and becomes more difficult once contact has already been established. Those who become channelers are reluctant to let go of their newfound gift and will be likely to resist any attempts to talk them out of it. It is never wise to get a war going, so disengagement is the best course of action with or without a gentle and general caution to go through God for any channeling work.