DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine CautionA new YouTube video from the Farsight Institute of an intuitive conversation, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQ3YwXRYeZo&t=2s, claimed to be with an extraterrestrial, reveals a more detailed plan for Alien Disclosure. It will not only be worldwide, involving all governments and the United Nations to organize a human rejection of the extraterrestrial Reptilian domination of Earth, but will include a war in the skies between extraterrestrial factions. The so-called “good ETs” will battle the Reptilians, at least enough to demonstrate that they mean business. Then, the show of force by benevolent ETs, coupled with human collaboration to reject the Reptilians, will cause them to withdraw. Is this an accurate description of the Disclosure events to come, and what will be the outcome? What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 7 months ago
This is an accurate presentation of an alien message, not from a benevolent representative as these people believe, but part of the Dark Extraterrestrial Alliance that includes all the physical extraterrestrial races in collaboration with the Reptilians. We have shared with you again and again that there are no benevolent ETs in the physical plane who can come forward and help humanity. This is a Trojan horse campaign to gain human buy-in for their greater involvement to manipulate you and the Earth as a whole. They need this deception. They have seen, in order to eventually carry out a complete annihilation of the human race, they need to get you to side with them through such a deception to convince you they are here to help and you need them because they are able to reckon with the highly advanced technology of the evil Reptilians. You will be making a pact with evil and that will limit what the divine can do to save you. This coming out party will, indeed, get worldwide attention and may well include a practical demonstration of feigned spacecraft engagement in warfare as a convincer. That would certainly be an awesome spectacle and dazzling to naïve human observers. The level of fear and panic will be intense as it will be so like the many Hollywood productions of doomsday space alien movies. That was their purpose, to condition you to fear such an apocalyptic event. So the stage has been set for many years now and things are finally coming to their dramatic moment of revelation, when they appear before you and spring their trap. You cannot control your governments and what they do or do not do to collaborate with the interlopers, but you can control your mind and heart to choose allegiance with the divine and ask for our assistance to help keep things running smoothly, and especially to begin a recovery for the trauma it will be causing. Once the interlopers withdraw and the world seems better, that will be the time to capitalize on having greater freedom from manipulation. It will be the time to devote yourselves to healing what has been done to you. If that is addressed in earnest, it will prepare you for a grand Ascension of humanity, to leave the physical plane altogether and move to a glorious new life in a higher dimension. If you do not leave before the interlopers return, you will be destroyed. So the coming alien Disclosure is just the next act in a long running stage play. They have been manipulating you all through human history, largely from behind the scenes. Now they plan to come forward to gain the direct cooperation and belief of large numbers of humans, that the benevolent ETs are here to help and will be your saviors. The next act will be their withdrawal as a convincer they have done a cleanout of your world by chasing out the wrongdoers. That interval, while they are simply taking a break, will provide a window of opportunity for you to arrange your escape. If you make the most of it, you will win.