DWQA QuestionsCategory: Animal IssuesA dog that befriended a homeless man and followed his ambulance to the hospital where he died has stayed waiting outside the hospital entrance for months. What is the reason? Does this homeless man need a Spirit Rescue?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
This indeed is a touching and heartwarming story and demonstration of the divinity of the companion animals. Such extreme loyalty is a characteristic of divine love on display, that these loving creatures will bond to a person and make almost any sacrifice to serve them. For this dog, it is but a minor inconvenience to stand vigil because it is being rewarded in knowing it is carrying out its duty and nothing has higher priority in its perspective than to serve the human it has chosen. The reason for the long, long, persistence on duty at this hospital was indeed the soul of this unfortunate derelict being earthbound and being trapped within the hospital itself. Not knowing how to navigate, it was unable to leave and was in too low a vibrational state to cooperate with the light callers. This the dog perceives and is wanting to get to the man's spirit but is settling for the next best thing, which is to simply watch and wait, and its patience is in response to the recognition that the human is, in fact, nearby so there is nothing else for it to do but to wait until a reunion takes place. A spirit rescue will end this and free the animal from its need to sacrifice itself and its own freedom and variety of experience to stand guard.