DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial AgendaA client writes: “When I was a teenager, I had a repeating dream a couple of times about the annihilation of humanity, I think. In the dream I was looking outside my window, it was in the flat I was living in currently, on the sixth floor, and there was a spaceship behind the window and there were spaceships all over the city and suddenly everything collapsed before my eyes, all buildings, and there was havoc, but the dream ended there.” Was that a prophetic dream of the coming future, or a dream-state witnessing of ongoing havoc in a future extension of his current lifetime existence?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This, in effect, was both. When people have a prophetic dream it, in fact, is a visualization of the current future extension taking place on that future timeline. So it is not a fantasy created by the mind or impulsed to the person from a divine source, it is a literal glimpse at the actual future being shaped by current potentials. As you know, this does not carve things in stone. So all can be changed, and often does change, but it is certainly a forbidding sign when one has such a visualization because it speaks directly to the dire current conditions that project this into the future in the first place. Normally this is seen as a call to action if interpreted correctly. This, by virtue of it being such a massive event, leaves a person with nowhere to go to deal with this in a proactive way. In this case, because he knows you, it will be possible for you to coach him to get onboard with requesting help and saving of humanity, and this will be an opportunity for him to make a contribution. This is the case with the dream you had as a young man in seeing these alien spacecraft filling the skies, zig-zagging about, and a feeling of dread came over you during the dream. This was, in fact, a future scene and a harbinger of things to come unless you can make a change. That is the message for all hearing about these visualizations—the message applies to them as well. There are many beings living in those locations who are directly in the line of fire until that action of annihilation is prevented by changing the nature of the interlopers themselves to enable them to withdraw through their choosing.