DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolA client writes: “Let’s be practical, Karl, what do you suggest I do now: Another past-life healing session, another Lightworker Healing Protocol session, or get trained as an LHP practitioner and work on myself (and others) independently from your help (I plan to get trained, anyway, but I would prefer to start it after I get in a more psychologically and materially stable condition)? Please do let me know.” What can we tell him?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
We will never tell someone "no" who is considering doing additional healing work for anyone, including themselves. It is hard to do too much because everyone has a large backlog of unfinished business from the many lifetimes typically served in helping the human enterprise. It is simply the nature of things that people become wounded, and not being taught how to truly fix things, the damage will mount over time and can become quite acute when a lot of it hits at once during a particular incarnation. This is true for you, in addition to your being noticed by the interlopers and singled out for extra mischief and mayhem to compound the seriousness and unpleasantness of what you experience, with the drain on energy and the complications from those around you being corrupted to make things difficult and thus amplify your suffering. Under such circumstances, there will continue to be difficulties along the way no matter what you do. The Lightworker Healing Protocol will continue to be done on your behalf, so that will be operating perpetually now. Doing additional sessions will amplify the effectiveness, so that is worth doing as well as a subconscious channeling session to remove inner blocks will make the LHP work that much more effective as the two approaches are complementary and mutually reinforcing, but we do understand this takes time and money. By the same token, becoming a practitioner of the LHP is an excellent choice because for a finite investment you can do as many sessions for your own behalf as you like and they will help others as well. Even though you feel impaired and quite limited at times because of the emotional burdens you carry, that does not mean you will be an ineffectual practitioner of the LHP. There may be some variability from time to time if you are doing sessions when you are particularly distraught, but most of the time you will be able to make very effective healing requests and your suffering will only add to your sensitivity and the caring you have for both yourself and all others who suffer, and that is a perfect foundation for being a successful healer because your heart will be in it knowing the benefits that it represents in seeing the contrast through your own suffering when there is healing undone and sorely needed. So this is for you to arrange but your prayers as well are an important factor here and will keep healing going without any of the other additional strategies. So you are not without resources and without a path forward, it is just that it is a painstaking one and would be no matter what you could arrange because of the size of the problem currently, but that will not be forever. You can chip away at the aggregate of healing needs here and eventually you will tip the balance in your favor and progress will be more discernable, whether you proceed using your own prayers and the ongoing work alone or find ways to do an occasional augmentation as money becomes available and opportunity. Your channel is already contributing pro bono session work with the LHP on your behalf he does not take credit for, so he has not abandoned you, he is simply very busy and there is not much more he can say that is concrete because your situation is in flux and progress will take considerable time given the size of the dilemma. It is just the way things are; you cannot speed it up simply by desiring that to be so, but only by doing additional work and/or allowing the passage of time to help you catch up while supporting change through prayer and letting the LHP work that has been launched continue to make gains behind the scenes.