DWQA QuestionsCategory: Channeling PitfallsA client sent a free channeling from Kryon, saying it “may feed your soul if it is indeed of Creator, as I strongly feel. It is good to know the Pleiadians surround us now and cheer us on and have helped our cause in the past, for example. He/they also says “don’t figure us out, intuit us.” He also mentions how we have been evolving spiritually since 2012, and that people are choosing peace. What does your connection tell you about that?”
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
These teachings are valid as far as they go. Their only difficulty is that they are in response to people seeking information largely unaware of the existence of the hidden interlopers, and their great influence on humanity as being the proximal cause for delay in Ascension taking place. The problem here is one of the channeler himself, not believing in the existence of separate consciousness on the part of the dark spirits or the presence of negative extraterrestrials with direct influence on human affairs, as is happening constantly across the board, and holding back humanity at every turn. While the light is gaining ground, to some extent, the interlopers are pushing back, and this keeps things in a state of uncertainty as to outcome. There are many reasons this is so, and the best illustration of the importance of the matter is the uncertainty as to ultimate survival of divine human as a physical species on the Earth. Humans are in danger of annihilation. Nothing could be more stark or consequential as a hindrance to ascension of humanity in pursuit of its lofty potential. The fact it is not brought up by Kryon is simply because the channeler is not seeing that is an issue, and does not ask about it. Kryon is therefore forbidden to discuss it, because it is not within the beliefs of the requester, and the divine realm cannot take the lead and impart knowledge and information not being sought actively as a choice and expression of free will. If the free will action of the channeler is to seek further knowledge and awareness of Ascension, and its mechanisms and its meaning, that will be the focus of the discussion and nothing more. It is that simple. It will only be at a time when the channeler is forced to ask about the reasons for the great difficulty and problems of society, with an eye towards finding solutions and ways to heal the discord that the possibility will arise for him to receive some confirmation as to the true causes. All of this he currently ignores, assuming, like so many, that the Ascension will be the cure. And because he gets reassured constantly about Ascension, that it is real, and it is the plan destined to unfold, is very complacent thinking that the ship will right itself because it is all a matter of the energetics and his friend Kryon, the Magnetic Master, is repairing the energy grid of Earth and Sun, as well, and this will help set things in motion and everything will be taken care of. Nothing could be further from the truth, but he is blithely unaware of this. It is uncertain at best, that things will proceed neatly without major turmoil taking place that can derail things entirely. This is yet another consequence of the state of ignorance as to the true forces with power in the earth plane, not being human to begin with, nor divine. This can change, but only if the channeler begins to take this possibility seriously, and desires more information, and creates within the intention to seek the truth of things by taking the possibility of their reality seriously. Until that happens the subject matter is off-limits coming from Kryon.