DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human Lost Soul SpiritsA client reports feeling dread when she goes in her bedroom. Is this a new problem, or connected in some way to her recent clearing with the Lightworker Healing Protocol?
Nicola Staff asked 11 months ago
As you saw intuitively, this was a lost soul spirit who had been attached to her. We were able to dislodge it, but it has been following her about and it is only seeking her because of familiarity. It is sort of like a case of propinquity, being close to her for a time has created a kind of bond, although one-sided. So it is akin to a stalker situation where someone has an obsessive desire to be with another, solely as a creation of their own mind. This is not a risk or threat to her, it is just that this is a disheveled, unhappy, spirit and it saw her energy as a safe haven and wants that back again. So it is drawn to her and hovers, wanting to attach. That is what she senses, the dark energy it is emanating unavoidably, because of its despondent nature being unpleasant. That spirit found its way to her room but cannot leave. So it is there, ever-present. We will work on this if you do a protocol session to continue with the clearing work, and we will attempt to entice this spirit to cooperate with the light callers and will go from there in terms of the feedback you spoke with her about.