DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolA client [name withheld] writes that following our Protocol session for him, “the sides of my face from temples to the jaw line burst out in a weeping rash that pretty much dried over. It does not really hurt but it does itch. Can I attribute this to a detox/ karmic release?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
This is an astute and insightful observation that is largely correct. In a general sense, it is a stirring up of things, but not necessarily a total release as yet. The healing is ongoing and you can revisit this on his behalf, if you choose, by including him with a second go-round as you do your next client group, and this would advance the healing and help bring relief. What you might tell him in the interim is that the healing is simply ongoing and this may be a part of the process, and although unpleasant, is the lesser of evils, as in the end this will resolve and things will return to normal better than before.