DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolA client [name withheld] writes “a few days after the session I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease and in addition there have been immense mental and psychological challenges. What is the cause and was there any link to my session?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
This new diagnosis and the underlying condition are entirely of karmic origin. The seeds were planted long ago and are only now bursting forth on the scene in a way that allows a clear diagnosis. This diagnosis is medically accurate but, as you know, does not appreciate the true causation being karmic in origin. Karmic repair can undo the condition entirely. This would require a combination of Protocol session work and subconscious channeling both. It is the latter that will have the greatest impact because of the nature of origin being the trauma within and the beliefs in the deep subconscious that resulted. This will not be reachable through any other approach at the present time.