DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolA client [name withheld] wants to know if all his spirit entities have been removed, then why does he get slight proddings on his butt and the lower areas of his genitals?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
This is not a renewed attack. It is not an external agent acting on him. It is indeed his own mind trained to pull the strings, so to speak, and create these sensations. They can occur in almost any nerve plexus and may be randomly expressed or may have some association with thoughts. This is true of the “talking in opposites” he most recently complains about. This is a preplanned pre-programmed activity carrying forward on its own at the instructions and will of the deep subconscious mind, which is literally following prior orders and carrying them out to a “T” so to speak. The same solution applies to this as to the pattern of thoughts that repeat over and over—the inner trash talk, so to speak. It is safe to ignore these as just quirky things that happen and have no larger significance. He is not being threatened. These will not cause harm and can be safely ignored and they will fade in time. If he goes looking for trouble he will indeed find it. This is the opposite of the advice being given. If he chooses to engage with these sensations, to focus on them, to react to them emotionally, and then worry about them coming again, he is inviting a repeat performance and, in fact, calling it forth. His mind will obey and not disappoint him. There will be a re-visiting and a re-experiencing of these phenomena and they may well become more prominent, more exaggerated, and more visible to others through worrying about them and creating this anticipation of greater harm they might cause. This again is the exact opposite of our advice to simply ignore these things, redirect the mind to some other activity and useful purpose, and eventually the mind and body both will get the message—the old programming is no longer needed and can be safely ended. That will take practice and diligence. So this will be a learning curve for him in being able to do this successfully, but is well worth working towards. He is in charge of his own being and his own physical body and needs to be the ruler of his kingdom. It is never helpful or appropriate to have parts of the body acting on their own.