DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaA client [name withheld] asks: “I get cystic like skin outbreaks (more like eruptions) on my cheeks that result in scarring that I feel very upset about. My Mother in Law, who is also a student, dowsed and found out that the only cause of my skin outbreaks is high-level interlopers. Their purpose here is to interfere with light work. I have tried many things to heal this over the past four months including Protocols on myself weekly, protection meditations, etc and removing meddlers twice daily, I have found no real solution and feel deeper healing is needed. I have had this since 2015.” Is this assessment accurate, and will a Lightworker Healing Protocol session by me reverse this over time?
Nicola Staff asked 6 years ago
The true cause of the skin eruptions is karmic, stemming from past trauma in a parallel lifetime. The reason that the dowsing process linked this to high-level interlopers was seeing that the alien spirit manipulation is keeping a steady stream of interlopers able to access your energy and push your karmic buttons on a fairly regular basis despite your Protocol work doing regular removals. This can well happen when there is a portal present within the person’s energy, put in place by an alien spirit. This allows such spirits to come and go at will and stir up the inner karmic energies of discord, and to shepherd new spirit meddlers to such individuals and infest them readily via the portal, so there is no barrier to entry of a new group. This indeed will be taken care of with the new version of the Lightworker Healing Protocol, so the portal will be removed effectively, and protection maintained for a longer interval. It is still possible for you to drop your guard, but it will be much more readily managed by a simple Protocol session to clean things up. The Protocol in advanced form will keep repeated sessions being done on your behalf indefinitely and this will work away at the karmic underpinnings of this facial symptom, and with a conscious desire to let go of the problem, a repair will be possible within the cellular memory, which is often the last holdout in the way of resolution of symptoms. The cellular memory can, at times, recreate a problem that has been fully healed in terms of the karmic history, but the events will still be present on record and if focused on too frequently by the subconscious and renewed worrying takes place, this can trigger a revival within cellular memory of the problem to be re-manifested. Those are the only caveats here, so this will take some time, but it will bear fruit.