We are working on the problem but, as you can appreciate, and the teachings of your channel reflect again and again, healing is often a long-term undertaking and uncertain in terms of timing and even eventual victory in some cases. We only mean by this your situation is not at all unusual, not that you will not be helped meaningfully, at least eventually. We understand the pressures and the tension you are under, but keep in mind this is not all within your control or ours either. Your wife is her own person, makes her own decisions and choices, and we cannot intrude on her free will to simply change her mind more to your liking, or even to best help her in appreciating your pain here and the need for patience. Your channel is wanting to do some healing for her, and that could help things but is no guarantee. So he will work on the both of you, in addressing the issue of your health status, and that will get additional healing underway. This is a kind of footrace to see whether the future can be changed in time to prevent a worsening in the relationship. We will do all we can to help.
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