This is actually the case. His epilepsy was karmic in origin as usually happens, except for the 10% or so that can be caused by spirit meddler perturbation of the brain directly. The karmic underpinnings can be varied, so there is no general rule of thumb nor a mechanistic explanation we can give you that would be intelligible. Sufficient language does not exist as yet to have a deep enough understanding of the neuroscience and how malfunctioning of the brain is orchestrated through a pathologic impingement of karmic influence. This can be both genetic as well as a kind of physiologic rearrangement of set points that is linked to consciousness, and allows a certain interplay with the mind and emotions of a person in what transpires within the body as a kind of unique interplay not yet appreciated by science itself, as a discipline.
In his case, what was going on in the scenes worked on within that deep subconscious channeling, were quite germane to his prior demonstration of the symptoms arising causing that diagnosis to be applied, which was accurate and, from a medical standpoint, warranted the therapeutic treatment that was instituted. So it was an accurate diagnosis but of course without the deeper understanding, as that is lacking still in science, where disease truly comes from. In most cases, there is a prosaic materialistic basis in the workings of the body on the levels of the electrical discharges, the chemical mediators being produced, and often secreted as messengers to have an interplay among different tissues and organs, and so on. But beneath all that is a driving force of consciousness, and that is where karma will begin to influence things, so this was a beautiful illustration of a healing of the underlying karma for a medical disorder and correcting it.
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