DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaA client asks: “It has been said, particularly in the New Age movement, that all who experience suffering (which most do at one time or another) or death through, for example, weather calamities like an earthquake or by auto accident, or child trafficking and satanic ritual, etc., have in some way agreed to experience this…part of a person’s soul contract as a teaching…I’m beginning to believe that this may not be so, that maybe this is another dark construct/mind control issue, a perpetrated false belief. Am I right?”
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
There is some truth and some falsehood here. It is a question of circumstances, the context of the question in terms of the individual, and the timing to which you might apply the information. There are many, many times when dark deeds create a karmic energy that carries forward and must be satisfied in the future by returning to the person for consideration. And then the person may choose to do some healing, or rebalance the harm done through an act of kindness or restitution, in some fashion, or may well experience suffering in a similar fashion, or perhaps worsened because their harm spread and became compounded. This is very, very common. In addition, there are many things imposed on a person through manipulation and mind control subjugation to cause them to harm themselves as well as others. These are mitigating factors but do not completely prevent karmic responsibility. These are not planned to occur as the soul plan is put together for each incarnation. They are a wildcard, so to speak, a fate that can befall a person from being back in the battle zone, so to speak. This is a risk all take on in returning to earth plane to continue the quest for human betterment. They risk the entanglement and being dragged down further in creating negative karma that must be satisfied and becomes an obligation and burden. All who incarnate take on their challenge willingly, knowing full well this can happen and is in fact likely. The karma of the past is often originated from such manipulation done on the spur of the moment through opportunity exploited by the minions of the Extraterrestrial Alliance to drag the person down in some way, as they seek to do this across-the-board at all times, with all their campaigns. So although the origin is an outside agent for reasons of its own, it becomes a karmic obligation when the human acts on the manipulation. This is a tough standard and is difficult for people to understand and accept fully and seems wildly unfair on the surface, and we agree this is one perspective. But it is no different than choosing to go off to war in a physical combat zone, or even to go as a rescuer, or member of the press to help teach and enlighten, and then might be hit by a stray bullet or some other calamity, in being in the wrong place, at the wrong time. These are all chosen in some way in coming into earth plane. You are choosing to be here, if you become corrupted through your ignorance and frailty, you will bear the extra karmic burden to some extent. We do understand that the ultimate source of all evil is the fallen spirits who have corrupted everyone in the physical plane you inhabit, including both humans and extraterrestrials. So those mitigating factors will be of help in getting out from under what is done, but human must still do some repayment. So the notion that such things as an early death are planned for, and therefore chosen in some way is a deeper truth than appears on the surface. They are chosen in the sense that you have chosen to come here and be in harm’s way. You may also be susceptible to manipulation and subjugation to be in the wrong place at the wrong time through spirit meddler attachments within your energy. And this too can be a karmic predisposition to be vulnerable to their manipulations, as well as the ongoing saga of physical humans being largely ignorant of how best to navigate in their world. But the evil acts and influences are still coming largely from an external source. So the question is a partial truth in many ways and an unsatisfactory description on its own without a further treatment.