DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divinely Inspired MessengersA client asks: “Is there any truth to the Gnostic version of the Sophia Creation Myth?”
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
This indeed is based on literal truth. This relates to a feminine energy in the form of a Divine messenger who was wishing to uplift the planet and had an incarnation for that purpose. So this is a story that is uplifting, on the one hand, and instructive in pushing back the resistance to the idea of the feminine as a full, equal, partner with the masculine energy and perspective. Both have value and both have a place in the functioning of humanity, in particular. These energies have their corollary in many functions of many forms of energy in the universe. And this is recognized as well with the resonance people feel with certain concepts and natural phenomena associated with the aggregate of living things and their component elements. The idea of a feminine agent for upliftment is very much in keeping with the role of love in elevating all consciousness to its highest level of expression. It is a kind of love when things are working naturally, unfettered, unhindered, and to maximum efficiency. Everything in the universe has a purpose and a role and (when not interfered with) has a kind of natural magnificence. When any aspect of energy is constrained for any reason: through prejudice, through a desire for manipulation, or subjugation to gain some other benefit at the expense of what is being constrained, there is a price to be paid and a kind of imbalance in the energies that must be restored at some point. And this will always become the responsibility of the agent causing things to be out of alignment. So this was a beautiful story about a restoration that still serves as inspiration for many, many who hear it.