DWQA QuestionsCategory: HealingA client asks: “Is it still realistic that I can overcome my issues and heal in this lifetime? Or am I really in too deep at this point?”
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
It is very realistic that this can be accomplished. Your level of concern here is great because your need is great, so the emotions around this are strong and the concern is justified simply considering what is at stake in the overall scheme of things, both for you and the risk to the soul in being a part of something that could be devastating to all of humanity. But that is not a certain future or outcome by any means. The way to proceed is to expect full healing here and this can well happen given a commitment and a continued effort on your part to work towards that goal, to maintain your safety, maintain your separation from entanglements, and to work on your healing on an ongoing basis.  That is really all that is required here to increase your likely success. The longer you are engaged in the work for your betterment, the more certain it becomes you will reach this goal within the current lifetime. After all, there just needs to be a certain critical mass here that will determine the trajectory of the healing effort and whether it will complete within the time available, or fall short, but that still is not the worst of outcomes. It may well be that even if not complete, it will be sufficient to keep this from arising as a problem for you in your next lifetime and that may be the only one you will need to finish the job, and without having any symptoms during that lifetime—that is not a future you need to fear.