DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlA client asks: “During this six-day period I have had several severe tachycardia attacks that came out of nowhere that all began with a real panic type of anxiety that I was not safe, coupled with a terrible smell of sulfur (smells like rotten eggs) that comes from nowhere. Today this happened again and as I went to try find the source of the smell, I caught a glimpse of a black figure in my doorway to my bedroom quickly dart away and vanish. I immediately called on Archangel Michael to remove all unseen negative influences and I ask him every day to watch over me during my morning prayer to Source Creator. I burnt some white sage to clean the air and then immediately my place was circled by military helicopters several times. My gut intuition is telling me that I am being harassed and attacked by something demonic, possibly a Reptilian, hence the helicopter activity indicating craft above at the time, which has happened before numerous times. I feel it has been siphoning my life force while I’m asleep, which is why I awake with severe tachycardia and anxiety episodes when I’m completely calm and in a deep sleep.” Were these perceptions real, and what caused them?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
These perceptions are a real inner warning being impulsed by the interlopers to frighten and torment him. He is having real experiences because they have him under surveillance and still have not let go, despite all the work going on behind the scenes. It is because he is a very high-level person of interest they wish to diminish and are actively wanting vengeance for his past transgressions, from their perspective, in thwarting their plans. In that light, he is actually doing better than one would expect as he is at least still among the living and reasonably functional. We are working on the physical manifestations to bring relief—that will come in time when we can remove the entanglement with the interlopers, because until that happens he will be vulnerable to fresh attacks from time to time energetically, and that is what he experiences as the greatest disturbance and discomfort. Because it is physical, it is more difficult to deflect; we must change their agenda and remove him from their roster to truly break this cycle and allow a completion of the healing—that work is underway and we expect to be successful over time.