He was in need of clearing as well, and it was indeed proximity to someone with attachments that increased vulnerability and led to his reinfestation. It was not the same spirits, but newcomers who are always eager to claim someone when they are not currently occupied by spirit meddlers already. Your channel has cleared him, so this will help him return to a more balanced state of being. The major risk factors for spirit attachments are drug use, including marijuana, alcohol, physical proximity to other humans who have attachments, and a lowered resistance through having a difficult emotional experience and state of mind leaving the person feeling vulnerable, confused, and off-balance. So it is difficult, given the complexities of life, to know for certain the origin of spirit reinfestation, should it happen. We endeavor to keep people clear with protective measures but, given human free will, if people put themselves in danger through their choices, we often must let that happen because to not do so goes against their free will even though it would be in their best interest. This is why humans continue to have the major responsibility for their own welfare and well‑being, and often need help from others, including the divine realm, to restore them when they get out of balance and bad things happen.
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