DWQA QuestionsCategory: Transition (Crossing Over)A client asks about her deceased husband: “I am curious if you found whether he actually needed all of the steps you describe. In looking back over the last several weeks of his life there seemed to be things he was doing and saying that was preparing him (and me) for departure. Though I don’t think he was consciously aware, his higher self definitely was. He talked about not praying for himself anymore because he didn’t need it, but that he was praying for me to have strength and clarity. At the time I thought it was an odd comment, it was truly only about 3 days before he passed. Can you help us understand why he became earthbound and the significance of his comments to his wife?”
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
This was very much an inner knowing that the end was coming. Keep in mind that all deaths are chosen by the person, not on a conscious level in most cases, but through the interaction with higher self. It is a decision made by the soul to withdraw, and then the process is started by higher self. So in conjunction with that decision there may well be things done in preparation without a conscious awareness of their significance, but various ways of putting affairs in order, seeing to the needs of loved ones, and even a measure of extra reassurance to them, that in hindsight very much fits a scenario of knowing one is about to depart, and wanting to wish them the best and give them reassurances, and share other intentions they would want the loved one to be thinking of in the wake of their departure. So that is what was taking place it was setting the stage for leaving and seeing to details, and primarily the marital relationship to give reassurances that things would work out. The Lightworker Healing Protocol steps were needed to varying degrees. This is not because of unworthiness, this is because all humans have accumulated during the course of their lifetime many, many woundings, and many, many, layers of negative energies of all kinds. It is much like having an automobile that must last a lifetime. And by the end of that period will not look like it came from the showroom, it will have dents and rust and corrosion and layers of grime and all sorts of failing parts that may be on their last gasp, but in functioning poorly are adding to greater liability all along the way. The negative energies are a significant constraint and will not automatically be shed when leaving the physical body because they travel with the energy of consciousness through their interconnections. So in a sense, it is like being in a spider web of earthly energy, wanting to break free but being unable because the strands of the web become attachments and will hinder the person and their movement. This is not something people can control with their thoughts and feelings. So being in a state of mind where someone feels like they are ready to leave will not guarantee smooth passage, because the energies we speak of are not perceived consciously and cannot be healed unless the person knows how to go about this. It will require divine help to do so, or the attendance by a careful healer to peel away these layers and prepare them for a swift journey. Having a calm state of mind is certainly a help when starting to transition because emotional discord, doubts, fears, turmoil of any kind, will divide the energies and keep the focus on the physical plane and will serve as a hindrance. The lowering of vibration as well will make it difficult or impossible to see the Light Callers. That was not the case here. What happened here was there were onboard spirits and this was an additional risk factor. They were not apparent to him or to the wife, as is usually the case. They live below the radar, so to speak, within the energy of the person because they are drawing energy from them. This is often a passive activity and they can be relatively content using the person like a battery. If their needs are too great or the competition by other spirits being present reduces the overall supply, they may endeavor to stir the person up in some way to increase the energy flow. When a person transitions and leaves the physical body, the supply of energy becomes diminished, and then they will endeavor to perturb the emerging consciousness of the person to increase its own energy demands and summon a greater supply. This is what the spirits are after, and they may begin a campaign of severe tormenting in order to get this energy. So a dormant parasite while the person is living can become a major threat to them once they leave the body and attempt to transition back to the light. If they are set upon with force and it lowers their vibration sufficiently, they will not be able to engage with the Light Callers and then become trapped in the lower astral plane. This is what befell the husband here. What was lacking in the preparation for passage was to have a spirit releasement process done to remove the most immediate threat, being the onboard spirit attachments that were there during the passing and then began their more aggressive campaign to commandeer his energy.